Sunday, February 27, 2011

"To each their own"

After the past few weekends being a bit busy, it was nice to have a low key weekend. Friday evening I got to catch up a bit with good friend. Its crazy how time can get away from you. The next thing you know, its been 6mths and you haven't spoken to each other. Except for Facebook....
I'm going to try and do a better job of keeping up with my friends. I have a tendency to get lost in what I'm doing and lose focus of others. I feel bad about that because my friends are very important to me. I pray time won't get away from me so much, and I do better at being a good friend :)

Yesterday morning did our usual Saturday morning routine and went grocery shopping. Before that we went to this great little cafe in BA called Kenosha Cafe. It's across the street from Rhema. Shawn had been there a few times with a coworker and thought I'd like it. It's only open for breakfast and lunch but it was so good. Very inexpensive too! They had a wall sign full of all their homemade pies, cobblers, and cakes. They all sounded great, but I just stuck to breakfast(trying to be good). SO the reason I bring this up is because as I get older, I'm starting to appreciate places like this. Much more than I ever did before. I really like the idea of a mom and pop time diner or cafe. Instead of all the chain restaurants we have in and around Tulsa. I like those too, it's just nice to have something different. It's great to go in a smaller place like that and feel like the people there genually enjoy what they do. It's funny to say but you can taste it in the food too. Or maybe that's just me, I don't know. Any new places like this I find, I'll let ya know! OH, Shilohs...OMG..if you want AMAZING homecookin food, go there! You will not be disappointed, trust me :)

OKay, enough about food. New topic!
We went to visit my grandma today after church. It was a pretty good visit as she seemed in a good mood and pretty responsive. Quick back story, my grandma is 86, she has ever advancing alzhemiers and she is living in an assisted living facility. I'm very close to my grandma or was very close to her, before all that started. She's been more than a grandma to me, more like a second mother. My mother is/was extremely close to her. They were best friends, she told her everything. It's hard to see how it hurts my mom when she doesn't remember her name. Sometimes I'm not sure if she realizes that my mom is her daughter. Thankfully though, the heart of who my grandma is, is still there. She's still funny and the sweetest person you'll ever meet. She still loves people and likes to be around them.
She's in a good place and I think they take very good care of her. At first that was very hard for her to adapt to. She's always been the caretaker and she doesn't know how to step out of that roll. Even know when we visit, she's always asking if we need anything "take a cookie, take two" "we can turn on the tv, watch whatever you want". As I type this, I can't help but tear up a bit. If there was ever a person to have as a hero, she's it. She's strong in her faith, even now. She'll tell me" I've been praying for your baby" as in praying for me to have one.

Okay, gotta stop typing that. A bit to difficult to go there right now. Just know that I love my grandma and I can't wait for the day in heaven when we'll sit down and have one of our awesome conversations like we use to before "A" started taking her away.

God Bless

Ps- "To each their own" is something my grandma always says ;)

1 comment:

  1. Love this post. Philips grandma has "A" too. Its hard. I'm so glad you can go visit her. We will have to try the cafe! I've seen it before. We don't eat out much right now becaue the girls get restless. They are fine until they run out of food. Lol. Look forward to your next blog:)
