Friday, February 25, 2011

Nobody said it was easy

Glad it's Friday, but it was a pretty crazy day. Well mostly until about 3ish, then it slowed down. Office on Friday mornings is always busy but today seemed to get away from me a bit, kind of like I was chasing my tail. Right in the middle of it all, we had a patient show up saying they were suppose to have an appt for U/S and I didn't remember talking to them about it or making an appt. Long story short, our U/S tech was out and they lived far away so I was scrambling to figure out what to do. Luckily I got them taken care of and all turned out okay. I just don't like letting people down and I'm not a big fan of surprises. It just put a damper on the day.

The bittersweet of the day was all the babies. Babipalooza, I called it. I had it pointed out to me that I use that term alot(palooza). I know it's goofy but I'm goofy so it fits, I think.

Anyway...a few people brought their babies up to work today, then my bestest friend found out she's having a girl(YAY!). On top of that I found out a few more people are pregnant. Which, honestly, is great! I'm so happy for everyone, truly I am! It's just hard sometimes when it feels like everyone around you is apart of this awesome inside joke and I didn't hear the punch line. I'm getting to a good place with the whole pregnancy thing but some days it's still hard.

We've been "trying" for about a year without success. To spare all the details, my cycles are outta wack and the problem is my insulin level is off. SO yea, need to lose weight and really watch my sugar/carb intake. These things I already knew, it's just a lot more concrete when your doctor lays it out for you. My dr recommended the South Beach diet so I started that a few weeks ago. It's a daily battle, something I've dealt with for a long time. The best part of all of this is that I have Jesus to turn to and my amazing husband. He's right there with me every step of the way, always caring and supportive.

I know that God has His perfect timing and it will all work out as it should. I look back at a time when all I did was pray to meet my husband. I was involved with all the wrong people and I had given up. I was convinced I'd never find him and I was just going to be single. Thinking of that makes me shake my head now. I was only 26 and I was thinking it was all over for me regarding love. Now here I am, with a husband that's so much more then I could have ever dreamed for myself. I'm so thankful that God's in control and I'm not because my life would be a disaster. I keep my hope and faith in that fact and know God wouldn't have given me such a desire to be a mother if he didn't mean for me to be one someday.

I'll be so happy to look back at this moment in my life as I'll sit with all my babies and think" why was I in such a hurry for this?!?!" LOL just kidding. I'll think back and shake my head and laugh at myself. It'll be more amazing than I can imagine now and I'll be again blessed by God's love and faithfulness.

God bless :)


  1. I love you! And like you said... all in good time. Im going to start wishing for babies for you but im being selfish because its all because I want to meet them. You have always been great with kids and I know its in the plan... you know my story I was given my perfect baby girl and it made me realize why all the miscarriages... that was hard but it makes more sense in hind sight. Im sending much luck and baby wishes!

  2. Tammy what a sweet post. I didn't even know you were trying! Ill be praying for you-I totally agree that God will give you the desire of your heart. It took over a year to get pregnant with my first. (I had miscarried before her). Then it seemed like Philip could touch me and I would get pregnant. That's why I'm havin 3 ha! You bless my heart-God is good. He is so good. Fyi-I have a friend who went on a gluten free diet after trying for years. Got pregnant within a couple months. Another friend went to a chiropractor and got adjusted. Pregnant the next month. I think its a whole body wellness thing. Anyways-love ya and keep blogging....I'm a follower:)

  3. Thank you both for your kind words, they mean alot :)
