Thursday, February 24, 2011

Giving it a try

I've tried several times without success to have a blog. I have a tendency to get on board with something and not follow thru. It's something I'm working on. However I do think it'd be a cathartic thing for me to blog even if no one ever reads it. I just don't want it to turn out like old journals I've read of mine..depressing. My life is very different though, I'm not a teenager with a wounded soul( or at least that's what I'd have you believe if you were to read those journals) Man, girls can be so over the top with the emotional distress mantra.
I digress...
So the point is I'm a blogger now. I will blog about my life, my relationship(every growing) with Jesus, my desire for children and whatever else I want. After all it's my blog so HA!

Just a side note, I don't like the word "blog". Don't know what I'd change it to but there ya go!

OH also, I have a tendency to type fast and leave out words so if you're a grammer geek, you're going to have a field day reading this! I think I might have a slight case of dyslexia. Sounds good, I'll stick with that.

God Bless ;)

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