Monday, January 28, 2013

Baby Steps

I just drank my last pop...well my last pop for the foreseeable future. Maybe somewhere down the line it won't be an issue anymore and I can have the occasional pop. That time is definitely not now.

Making lifestyle changes don't happen overnight. It has taken me MANY years of dieting and failing to finally come to this realization. The problem I've always had is I get excited about a new "diet" and resolve to make a laundry list full of changes to my diet and exercise regime. I''ll be good for about 2 weeks and then it all becomes to much and I backslide. God has completely opened my eyes to the fact that the issues I'm dealing with aren't which diet will be "the one" to finally help me lose the weight and be healthy. My issue is I'm an "emotional eater". So whatever  emotion I might be dealing with I turn to food. I've been in complete denial of this truth for a long time. As I've gotten older though it's hard to deny any longer.

About a year ago I was looking online for a book or something that tied weight loss to God. I really didn't know what I was looking for but God knew exactly what I needed. Before this point, I had never thought about asking God for help in this area. Now it just seems silly. I mean HELLO?! this is the biggest issue of my life and somehow I didn't think God would care to be apart of it. ::SMH::  Anyhow, I came across Lysa Terkeurst's book Made to Crave. (if you haven't read it, you need to, LIKE NOW!) The main theme of the book is that God created us to crave Him not anything else. And it really opened my eyes that, not only am I an emotional eater, I'm turning to food in every area of my life where I should be turning to God!

Now I really wish I could say that after reading this book I turned my life around completely and I'm now at a healthy weight and feeling great! Maybe I'm a slow learner but I'm not there yet. That's why I titled this post "Baby Steps". I didn't become this way overnight and I know it won't change that quick either. I am, however, growing closer in my relationship with God. And that's what I want this blog to be about. This journey I'm on. To shed the weight, grow closer and closer to God, and be the person He created me to be.

God bless :)

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