Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Can't put my finger on it

Feeling very down and depressed this morning. I'm going to go ahead and blame my horomones(which I blame for most of my emotional moods).  I feel like I'm drowning and I've lost the desire for things. It's very hard to explain and I know I can't really talk to Shawn about it because he'll think it's a reflection of him. And honestly, it'd be alot easier to deal with if it was something he did, or anyone did. It's not though, it's an empty feeling. And it's so frustrating because at this point in my life I should be on top of the world. I'm married to an amazing man, I'm growing in my relationship with Christ, we're in our first home, we belong to an awesome church, making some Christian friends, i've got a good paying job with people I like to work with and yet....blah.

At the moment I'm thankful for this little office at work because I feel like hiding for the moment. Honeslty I would love to just sit in a quiet room and stare out the window....I would consider medication but most of them make you gain weight..I can't gain anymore weight....blah